Dec 15, 2008

December 2008

Hau kola na tiyospaye (Hello friends & extended family),

Welcome to all new Circle members! Each section of the Circle of Nations newsletter is written 'facing' one of the four sacred winds, beginning with the east, then the south, west and finally the north. This is to honor the old ways. It is to teach and to help us to focus and find the center. I have designed the Native Circle website in the same spirit. I welcome you all to the Circle....

EAST - Wiyohinyanpata - Yellow (Four Winds)
And so here we are.... Another journey around the great star we call the sun has been made. Birth, life, and death.... with all their joy, sorrow and wonder, have each traveled with us and touched us all, regardless of our place in the world. I know that during this season of the winter solstice, we human beings are a bit like squirrels, scurrying around with activity and busyness, gathering our nuts and even going a little nuts at times too. So, with this in mind, I will do my best to say more with less. Life is a journey my friends. It is not forever. At least not here, in this body. The body dies, but the spirit goes on. Almost without exception, every person on Mother Earth at this moment can think of someone they knew who passed away sometime during this last year. Certainly, sadness does come with death. But not only sadness, for if there is a death, there has also been a life. And that life is something to celebrate, to rejoice in, and to hold sacred in our hearts. For sure, life is not always perfect, and things don’t always go the way we plan. But in the end, this life is worth living. It is worth the risk, the chance, the possibilities. So do not be afraid of death. And do not be afraid of life. Do not be afraid of endings, because every ending holds the gift of a story of yesterday and the hope of a story for tomorrow. If you are reading this, you have lived another year. Think back on what you have seen, what you have heard, what made your eyes well up with amazement, what made you smile and what made you believe that life was worth living. The value of life is not measured by silver or gold, or dollars or cents, or material or power. No, the value of life is measured by love. Have you received it and given it abundantly? If so, then my friend your life is truly rich indeed. Yes, another year has passed. And with it have come great moments and terrible struggles. May we not get too fixated on either - the great or the terrible - as we look to the coming new year, as life is always a balance of the two. There is good and there is bad. There is loss and there is gain. There is death, and there is the birth of new life. May we be at peace with these truths, as we carry the fire of faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all, into our world this coming year....

SOUTH - Itokagata - Red (Red Earth)
A word from Peggy....

Hello family and friends:
This is the last south section I will write in 2008. What a strange year this has been. Great and historic moments as well as tragic and fearful ones. On everyone’s mind is the economy. Perhaps we can look at this time as a time to reflect on what we need, want and what is important. As Americans many of us have become so pampered and used to the easy life, losing track of the basics of happiness, friends, family, faith, laughter and purpose filled life, non of which are much affected by the amount of money we have or don’t have. At this most blessed of seasons, may you feel the peace that means the most and may you give the gift of yourself which is the most precious. A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger…. doesn’t have a whole lot to do with Sacs Fifth Avenue or Wal-mart (which ever you shop). Christmas, as well as the other wonderful holidays shared this season, is about quiet and about giving and love and acceptance. For many of you this is a real difficult time of year and you have legitimate reasons to feel afraid. But please for a moment, trust… for a moment look at the possibilities and promises and not the 5 o’clock news. Curl up with a hot cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate, take a deep breath and find something for which to give thanks and let that moment be enough.

see you next year
love and peace,
Red Earth of Native Circle
John Two-Hawks Official Site

Don’t forget, all John's CDs are all on special until Dec 20th…. Retreats and CDs make great Christmas gifts.
Whatever gift shopping you do this year, John & I thank you for doing some of it with us.

Please join us New Years Eve for our final 2008 Concert with John Two-Hawks in Rogers Arkansas.
Tickets are available online - JTH Concert Tickets

WEST - Wiyohpeyata - Black or Blue (We are STILL Here!)
To believe, or not to believe, that is the question....
I saw it on a bumper sticker (the one and only bumper sticker Sue did not have - gotcha Sue!).... It read: Where am I going, and why am I in this hand basket?” Ever feel that way? The truth is, most of us have at some point in our lives. But when you find yourself in that place, there is only one choice you can make.... to believe, or not to believe. To hope, or to give up hope. Battles are not won by those who run away from the adversary in terror. Nor are obstacles overcome by those who throw in the towel. As we contemplate this past year, and look to the next, many feel worried, uncertain or even afraid. For any who find themselves unsure of what the future holds, I sincerely offer my prayers to, and for you. It is my prayer that Wakantanka will help you find the strength, perseverance and faith you need. If you feel like you are in that hand basket, I promise you, Spirit is in there with you! And someday you will look back on this time and recognize the divine hand at work in your life. You see, Wakantanka is always working on us, but we always require the most work when we break down! These are challenging times indeed. But times like these give us the chance to reach out, rise up, give abundantly, stand up, do what’s right, test our salt, see what we’re made of, exercise our generosity, and shine our optimism and belief in the face of cynicism, skepticism and pessimism. So don’t give up or give in. The Spirit knows you and knows right where you are. Lean into the strength of Creator’s wisdom and grace, and the blessings which are hidden in your struggles will open up for you in ways you might never have imagined. Choose to believe and hope, and your hardships will become challenges. Your obstacles will become opportunities. And your fears will become your faith....

NORTH - Waziyata - White (Words of Wisdom)
Some thoughts from my private contemplations....

Without struggle, there are no heros....

Without opposition, there are no victories....

All seeds of life are born of death....

Tomorrow cannot come until yesterday is gone....

May Wakantanka encircle you and yours with faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all....

As always, in the spirit of mending the sacred hoop of the nations of the world
Your Oglala Lakota friend and brother,
John Two-Hawks
Reprinting of this Circle of Nations newsletter is encouraged! All I ask is that it be printed in its entirety, with no changes, and that I be given proper credit, unless I have otherwise okayed it. Wopila (great thanks)!

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