May 29, 2009

May 2009

Hau kola na tiyospaye (Hello friends & extended family),

Welcome to all new Circle members! Each section of the Circle of Nations newsletter is written 'facing' one of the four sacred winds, beginning with the east, then the south, west and finally the north. This is to honor the old ways. It is to teach and to help us to focus and find the center. I have designed the Native Circle website in the same spirit. I welcome you all to the Circle....

I want to take a moment to say pilamaye yelo (thank you) for the overwhelming response to my new CD 'Wind Songs'. We have already begun the 'Wind Songs' tour with some preliminary shows, and the response to the music in concert has been powerful. I look forward to sharing it with all of you who can make it to my upcoming concerts. Again, pilamaye yelo for all the love!

EAST - Wiyohinyanpata - Yellow (Four Winds)
A life that matters....
Have you ever wondered if your life matters? Is it necessary to be famous or notable or notorious in order for our lives to be of some importance? Well, I want to tell you here and now that the answer is a resounding no! One of my closest family Elders, Fr. Bob Dombrowski, entered the spirit world last month (hence, no April 09 newsletter). His passing has left a void in our lives, and sadness has been a regular visitor. And yet, in the midst of all that comes with the physical death of a dear loved one, I find myself quite often in deep spiritual contemplation. What do we make of a life? What of those who quietly live and die whose names are never seen in lights? Are their lives as significant as those who become world leaders or celebrities? In response to my own rhetorical question, allow me to tell you about Fr. Bob....
Never have I known a man with such grace. Not a mean spirited bone existed in his body. He was a man of spirit, a man of love. He didn’t waste his time with foolishness, nor his breath. But when the chips were down, and there was a real need, he sprang to life, eyes clear and lit with the fire of love and service to the Spirit. Fr. Bob may have stumbled over his words at times, but he never stumbled in his ability to be kind. He always answered the hard questions with the tenderness of grace and love. Fr. Bob was a kid at heart, a grown man who still loved toy trains, remote control cars and electronic gadgets. Yet, for all the boy that was alive and well within him, he was a man of great honor and valor who had witnessed the horrors of war during two tours of Vietnam and one tour of Korea. But none of that mattered more to Fr. Bob than the simple love of family and friends. Over the years, time and again I watched as he imparted his beautiful gift of grace and love to those closest to him. Fr. Bob was not a world leader nor was he a celebrity. He was not a man of fame or fortune. But believe me when I say that his life mattered. The world is a better place because he lived and walked his life path in a good way. Those closest to Fr. Bob have been deeply blessed for having known him, loved him, and been loved by him, and that of course, includes me....
So let me say to you now, that your life and what you do with it matters. It matters to those closest to you, your family and your friends. It matters to all those whose paths you cross along the way. And it matters to the world we all share and live in together. So don’t take your life lightly. Give, as generously as you are able. Share, as often as possible. Seek wisdom, in all things. Show compassion, to all people. And love, with all you have in you. Do these things, and in the end your life will have meant something. Those you touched along the way will be blessed, and the world will be a better place, all because you have lived....

SOUTH - Itokagata - Red (Red Earth)
A word from Peggy....

Hello friends. May - the month of flowers and preparing for summer….. wonderful month of warmth and hope. April drags behind winter, peeking and pretending that sunshine is in store.
Not so for us in April. Rain and sadness, clouds and emptiness. Many of you know that I lost my Father this past April 22nd. Most of the encouragement and hope I share in these letters are the result of his belief and delight in me. In his honor, I do have some words of wisdom that I hope will encourage you. Life is always full of beauty, you can see it in the breathtaking sunrise, in the purple and pink magnificent sunsets, in the face of grandchildren, in the hug of a friend and in the music of nature. Beauty is all around……..the night of Father Bob’s funeral, creator sent us a beautiful rainbow. It landed deep in my heart and rose above the lake of my tears. Beauty.......may it be within you and may it surround you as you walk in joy or in sorrow. For beauty does not die and beauty is available always if we will have eyes to see.

The Wind Songs CD is a huge hit!! I am so glad so many of you have written to say how much you are enjoying the music.
We had a wonderful time touring and doing two concerts with Nightwish a few weeks ago.
We will be in Little Rock AR on June 6th, and in Iowa for two Wind Songs concerts mid June.
Other Wind Songs concerts this summer… Ohio and Colorado check out our schedule page
We have room in all our Retreats in 2009. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Mens and Womens Retreats Eureka Springs AR end of June
Mending Medicine Retreat Ohio end of July
Mending Medicine Retreat Colorado middle of August
Flute Discovery Retreat Eureka Springs AR middle of Sept
Mending Medicine Retreat Eureka Springs AR middle of Oct
read more and check out exact dates at

The Official JTH Site
Red Earth of Native Circle

WEST - Wiyohpeyata - Black or Blue (We are STILL Here!)
A lesson on perspective....
The other day I happened upon some ants on the ground outside. They were all going about their activities with a very obvious purpose. The area surrounding the two ant holes was piling up with the tiny nuggets of earth that each of them were carrying out of the ground, one nugget at a time. This was, by all means and purposes, a very busy ant construction zone! Ants would come out of the hole carrying a little chunk of dirt, then search around for a bit and finally drop it off in what was clearly a very specific location. Then they would head back down into the hole to get another load. And so I watched.... Hundreds of these tiny creatures working away at their task; working together for a common cause; building a place for themselves and their community to live. From my perspective, their struggles and efforts seemed small, even trivial. A quick look at the vastness of the sky and the sheer size of the forest made them seem even smaller. As I looked upon them, I contemplated how we, as human beings must appear from the perspective of Wakantanka, the Great Mystery. How small we and our struggles must seem. And yet, to us, our efforts are strenuous, our plans important, and our burdens heavy. But are they really? Or are they more like the tiny pebbles these ants are moving? Well my friends, the answer depends on our perspective. You see, our efforts, plans and burdens are indeed very real, and they do test our strength. Just as that pebble is very real and very heavy to that little ant. And yet, when we are able to rise up on eagle’s wings and see ourselves and our struggles through the eyes of Spirit, we gain a perspective which lightens our load and eases our burdens. So although your feet may be on the ground, carrying a seemingly heavy burden, allow your spirit to soar and observe things from afar. Who knows, you may just discover that your mountain is only an ant hill....

NORTH - Waziyata - White (Words of Wisdom)
Some thoughts from my contemplations....

Where one act of love is planted, there are surely more to follow....

From the seed of humility springs the flower of wisdom....

Words are not the only way to pray....

Death can never steal the essence of life....

May Wakantanka encircle you and yours with faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all....

As always, in the spirit of mending the sacred hoop of the nations of the world
Your Oglala Lakota friend and brother,
John Two-Hawks
Reprinting of this Circle of Nations newsletter is encouraged! All I ask is that it be printed in its entirety, with no changes, and that I be given proper credit, unless I have otherwise okayed it. Wopila (great thanks)!

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