Oct 6, 2009

Sept/October 2009

Hau kola na tiyospaye (Hello friends & extended family),

Welcome to all new Circle members! Each section of the Circle of Nations newsletter is written 'facing' one of the four sacred winds, beginning with the east, then the south, west and finally the north. This is to honor the old ways. It is to teach and to help us to focus and find the center. I have designed the Native Circle website in the same spirit. I welcome you all to the Circle....

EAST - Wiyohinyanpata - Yellow (Four Winds)
Seasons of change....
The changing colors of autumn are upon us. Like the heartbeat of an ancient drum, the rhythm of Mother Earth gently beats with the shifting seasons of life. The four sacred seasons all have much to teach us, but the autumn time has a special gift.... the gift of change. There is very little in this world that stays the same. Yet this I know, the one thing that remains constant in this life - is change. For many, change is difficult, confusing, and even frightening. How do you feel about change? Do you fear it or embrace it? Your home, your family, your car, and your reflection.... all change with the passing seasons of time. Nothing stays the same. This you can count on! In the autumn, the leaves on the trees blaze in brilliant colors so beautiful they can take your breath away. And what is it that causes those leaves to become so colorful? It is because autumn is the elder sister to spring. The renewal of spring cannot happen without the loving release of autumn. Those leaves are so beautiful because they have lived, and they have experienced the wonder of spring and the joy of summer, and now express their gratitude with dazzling color as they embrace and accept the wisdom of change. Winter will come soon enough, the time of silent return to Earth and Spirit. And so with pastels and earth-tones we honor and celebrate the seasons of change, for they are the gift of Spirit, who gives us mystery that we might find humility and acceptance in this life. Do not fear change, for change is that season in which we find ourselves, our path, our purpose and our need for Spirit, and each other. Embrace your season of change, and the colored leaves of what was will let go and return to the earth, giving birth to a new day, and new life which will spring forth with hope and vision for the seasons to come....

SOUTH - Itokagata - Red (Red Earth)
A word from Peggy....

When ever I start one of these letters I always look outside the window in my office. This morning I see autumn upon us. I feel a nip of fresh cold air every time I step outside. I see the squirrels busy preparing for winter and the deer are hunkered down. I, for one, have always loved this time of year. In just a couple of weeks we will have our Mending Medicine Retreat and I will get to visit with creative, open individuals from all over the globe. I will get to make new friends and rekindle the fires of long lasting friendships. In this season, we begin to prepare to slow down. It is funny as we grow older how so many things become less important. Love, friendship, families, spirit, breath… these things are what is important. I am still missing Fr. Bob a lot, I sometimes don’t take the time to think of him, because I don’t know if I am ready for tears. You know it really is not all that healthy to make appointments for tears… but I admit I do it.
But I know one thing… he knows that I love him and I know he loves me.
The drama and petty judgements that can consume the moments of our lives are so useless.
The ‘me’ moments…my way… I’m right…what about me… useless and empty.
We are here, interdependent. We are here as part of a sacred hoop. So when someone throws a fiery dart at you, let it go. Move away, separate yourself from the friction, the drama, and find a space to surround yourself with beauty. Some situations you cannot escape, but even then you have a choice how to react or how to not react. I, for one, hate injustice and so I am learning a peaceful way to fight for justice. I mostly see the anger and the ignorance of those who choose to tear people down and I begin to pity those people, knowing that life for them is very hard. To live in peace and love is really an easy and wonderful life… so choose it and live it!


Circle of Nations t-shirts and canvas bags will be on sale at our retreat and fall concerts this year
and at the new Circle of Nations website coming soon!

Check out our calendar for all of John Two-Hawks’ appearances for 2009
Some FYI in 2010… We will open up 2 new retreat events in the Dayton Ohio area
May 2010… Women’s Retreat and Flute Discovery Retreat
April 2010 … John will be performing in Chattanooga Tennessee with the Symphony
Spain is in the air for a 2010 tour, and much more

Have you heard about ‘Gentlemen Broncos’? Coming to theaters near you around Oct 30th.
Music from John Two-Hawks - Cedar Dreams - In a comedy… go figure!

'Two-Hawks' 2-CD Set is still on sale… don’t miss it
Peace on Earth CD is also still on sale for a very limited time!
Oh, by the way, we are down to only 3 Insignia JTH Signature Series Cedar Flutes left.
Once they are gone they will never be made again. Now is your chance to pick up one.

Red Earth of Native Circle
The Official JTH Website

WEST - Wiyohpeyata - Black or Blue (We are STILL Here!)
The way of the peaceful warrior....
I used to be quite a fiery political activist. I was angry and vocal. I spoke out against injustice, stereotypes and racism, and ticked off more than a few adversaries. I have sat on open forum panels alongside Winona LaDuke and other tribal leaders, discussing and arguing the issues of racism toward Indian people in sports and media with community citizens. In short, I was a fiery advocate for Indigenous human and civil rights, and I was not afraid to go to battle. As I look back now on those times, I can smile. I smile because although I remain an activist, I am no longer angry. I smile because, although I remain fiery, there is no rage. I smile because, in many ways, I am a much wiser, more seasoned and more effective activist now than I ever was in my youth. You see, the healthy expression of anger is good, as it serves to heal those who are angry and can often be the only means by which a dialogue is opened. But anger is not always the most effective tool of change, as it mainly serves the one who is angry, and polarizes the issues, pushing each side further apart from the possibility of resolution. Instead, though we may begin in a place of anger, it is grace and civility that brings about the greatest change. War begets war. Peace begets peace. Hate begets hate. Love begets love. Mutual respect is not earned by force, it is earned through humility, kindness and friendship. I may get your attention with anger, but I will win your heart and your respect, with love. This, my sisters, brothers and friends, is the way of the peaceful warrior. And it is the only way we will ever heal the world....

NORTH - Waziyata - White (Words of Wisdom)
a few thoughts from my contemplations....

You cannot know what lies beneath the surface, if you never kneel and dig deeper....

Respond to hate with love, ignorance with knowledge, and foolishness with wisdom....

The one who speaks the least usually has the most to say....

The one who speaks the most usually has the least to say....

May Wakantanka encircle you and yours with faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all....

As always, in the spirit of mending the sacred hoop of the nations of the world
Your Oglala Lakota friend and brother,
John Two-Hawks
Reprinting of this Circle of Nations newsletter is encouraged! All I ask is that it be printed in its entirety, with no changes, and that I be given proper credit, unless I have otherwise okayed it. Wopila (great thanks)!

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