Mar 3, 2010

February/March 2010

Hau kola na tiyospaye (Hello friends & extended family),

Welcome to all new Circle members! Each section of the Circle of Nations newsletter is written 'facing' one of the four sacred winds, beginning with the east, then the south, west and finally the north. This is to honor the old ways. It is to teach and to help us to focus and find the center. I have designed the Native Circle website in the same spirit. I welcome you all to the Circle....

EAST - Wiyohinyanpata - Yellow (Four Winds)
There are many things to care deeply and passionately about in this life, and it is good to do so. War has ravaged nations and cultures throughout history, and it is important to try and understand why, and to work toward a day without war. Politics have an affect on many things in this world, and being engaged and involved is essential if we wish to bring about positive change. Social justice and human rights issues have plagued societies for centuries, and it is imperative for humankind to move away from nationalism, racism and egocentrism if we are ever to live in peace on this planet. And speaking of the planet, living with the earth instead of against it cannot happen soon enough. So, all of these things and more are important, and well worth our time and our concern. Yet, there is something more important than all of the above at the end of the day, or the end of a life. That ‘something’, is love. If you are involved with all the issues of the world, and fight for the causes of the world valiantly, but you do not have love, then your efforts will all be in vain. I have listened quietly to individuals who speak proudly and loudly about all the good things they do, and then have witnessed first-hand their rude, arrogant and belligerent behavior. On the other hand, my friend Richard is an Elder in every sense of the word. He is quiet, humble and deeply loving. He doesn’t toot his horn. Throughout his long life he has always cared passionately about the many pressing issues of the time, and he has acted. But even in the midst of his activism, he proceeded with love. In the beginning, Martin Luther King Jr. exemplified a gentle approach, and Malcolm X embodied justified anger. And yet, in the end, even Malcolm X found that love is more powerful than rage. Rage has its place, but never in front of, or in place of, the all consuming power of love….

SOUTH - Itokagata - Red (Red Earth)
A word from Peggy....

I woke up this morning to a slight dusting of snow on the deck… I am looking for daffodils and
robins, for sunshine and garden spots…….not snow.
So I had to readjust my expectations and my attitude, a warm cup of coffee took care of that.
We just finished our release of Earth Fire Water Wind this past Sat. What an awesome spirit time we had. I was completely blessed by all the Circle of Nations people who were there and so blessed by the commitment to the earth and change that so many people are embracing.
The music from the new CD is absolutely incredible and the videos are awe inspiring. Please
stop and see them at the You Tube links below:

T’at’e Wakan - Sacred Wind Music Video

Beautiful Earth Music Video

Click here to see the New CD!

Also please stop and read my new blog. I am spending a few minutes each morning sharing some bits of humor, a dash of wisdom and some very special recipes from my kitchen. Here is the most recent post from my blog...

"Even when we stumble, even when we fall, even then there is light around it all!" words from Nancy Cooper Maier.
Today, March 2nd 2010, I am thinking about mis-takes.
I have made my share and I know why. Even with this blog thing, I just jumped in with both feet, clothes on and nose plugged. Then I learn as I go.... should have, how to, shouldn't have, try this, try that. So bare with me, this is the way I roll. It drives my husband absolutely crazy. (Sorry)
I must have been born this way because it is the only way I remember I have ever been. The results have been a life full of adventure and learning. You see, we mostly learn from our mistakes. You would think I would be a genius by now, but if I am you would never know it because you would probably just see my errors.
I am making light of this (also my way), but this light that illuminates our frailty is an important light to keep turned on. Next to my bed on my light on the night stand is a little sign that says "Always make new mistakes".... Not the same mistakes - that would be stupid - but new mistakes means taking new steps, taking a new path accepting a new adventure, being alive, taking risks. The more fully you live, the more new mistakes you will make. Playing it safe is not really safe. How about risking it all for love! Why do you think they call it falling in love? They might as well call it stumbling in love (lots of mistakes to be made here).
Humility is born of being able to be wrong...... being wrong is cool.
What is cool is being ok with yourself when you are wrong, and even better, being ok with others, because we are all just human. Sounds like acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness... that is for another day.
Go out and play today and try to make some new mistakes!

Click Here to go to Peggy’s Blog ‘Wings’

Don’t forget we have our wonderful “Spirit Mountain” Retreat Lodge available for short and long stays when you are visiting Eureka Springs Arkansas.… super discounts for Circle of Nations Global Community Folks.

Hope to see you at concerts and retreats this year… for dates and times check the schedule.

Special thanks to Morten Storeide for the Great Videos of Sacred Wind and Beautiful Earth!
Join our You Tube Channel and see all of our exciting videos.

enjoy the moment,
The Official JTH Website
The Native Circle Website

WEST - Wiyohpeyata - Black or Blue (We are STILL Here!)
I recently placed a post on my facebook profile that reads as follows:

‘My friends…. There are those in this life who tear you down, and there are those who build you up. There are those who talk loud and have lots of words, and there are those who speak volumes with silence. There is bad and there is good in this world. Let the bad strengthen you, and choose good. This is the way to wisdom….’

There were many responses to this post, so I would like to elaborate on it a bit more. If there is one thing all human beings have in common it is this: we have all been verbally abused or hurt by someone. One way or another, along the way, each of us has experienced what it means to be torn down, insulted, attacked or abused in some way, shape or form. What a sad testament to humanity. It is tempting to exact revenge on a verbal abuser. Sometimes it is necessary to stand up for yourself. But in most cases the wise response is no response at all. To give a response to a verbal attack is to give energy to a negative intention. A response simply feeds the hunger of a verbal abuser, and they will come back looking for more! Inappropriate anger and abusive behavior does not warrant nor deserve a response. Oh sure, it is tempting to give a bully or an abuser a taste of their own medicine! But it is rarely wise. After all, it is a small mind that seeks to verbally abuse someone. So the next time you find yourself assaulted by the hurtful words of another, resist the temptation to jump down into their mud-slinging pig sty. Give yourself some time to put things into perspective. When you do, you will often come to the conclusion that no response is necessary, and you can then let it go and get back to living a life with meaning, purpose and happiness. As I said in my post, there is bad and there is good in this world. Let the bad strengthen you, and choose good. This is indeed the pathway to wisdom….

NORTH - Waziyata - White (Words of Wisdom)
Some thoughts from my contemplations....

He who conquers the world, but not himself, has conquered nothing....

The truth of anything is rarely found on the surface....

If you are wrong, speaking louder will only make you more clearly wrong....

Wisdom and arrogance cannot live in the same lodge....

May Wakantanka encircle you and yours with faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all....

As always, in the spirit of mending the sacred hoop of the nations of the world
Your Oglala Lakota friend and brother,
John Two-Hawks
Reprinting of this Circle of Nations newsletter is encouraged! All I ask is that it be printed in its entirety, with no changes, and that I be given proper credit, unless I have otherwise okayed it. Wopila (great thanks)!

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