Dec 28, 2010

December 2010

Hau kola na tiyospaye (Hello friends & extended family),

Welcome to all new Circle members! Each section of the Circle of Nations newsletter is written 'facing' one of the four sacred winds, beginning with the east, then the south, west and finally the north. This is to honor the old ways. It is to teach and to help us to focus and find the center. I have designed the Native Circle website in the same spirit. I welcome you all to the Circle....

EAST - Wiyohinyanpata - Yellow (Four Winds)
As Mother Earth now begins her northern hemispherical journey back toward the sun, let us take some time to reflect. Reflect on all our experiences this past year. Reflect on the good, and the bad. What have we learned from those experiences? What have we learned from each other? I would like to share what I learned this year from my dear friend and esteemed Elder Jeanie Seifried. Jeanie went to the spirit world just this past week. She slipped away peacefully, surrounded by family and loved ones. About 7 years ago, she was told she had a rare form of cancer, and had a year, maybe two, to live. I had known Jean for years - at least I thought I had. I now believe that I only came to truly know her over the last 7 years of her life, as I humbly bore witness to one of the wisest, strongest and most indomitable spirits I have ever known. Jeanie didn’t fight the cancer, she danced with it. She allowed it to teach her about herself, about what really matters in this life, and about the power of perspective and a positive attitude. She faced it with a resolve to not allow it to beat her, and in the end, though she died, the cancer never owned her. She owned herself. When her hair began to fall out, she had a ‘hair pulling party’. When she had to go through difficult treatments, she found things to laugh about. And yet, she was not naive or in denial. She was just showing us how to live when you are dying. After all, we are all really just living on our way to dying. A month or so ago, during one of our visits, Jeanie demonstrated once again her deep resolve to live every moment of her life, even to the last, with a thankful heart. She had been given the bad news that her cancer had returned and that her odds were very slim. She told me that the news devastated her, and that she had been sad and depressed for - get this - two whole hours. Two whole hours! After that, she said she snapped out of it, realizing she had wasted two hours of what little time she might have left on this earth. Jeanie never looked back. As she approached her death, she did so with astounding grace, and dignified acceptance. A stronger spirit I have never known. I am honored to have known her, and to have called her my friend. May we all learn a little lesson from Jeanie as we look to the year ahead.... Live fully and completely in all your moments, no matter how small they may seem. Be thankful and seek happiness in each day. And love deeply, as in the end, love is what this life is all about.... Thank you Jeanie. Thank you....

SOUTH - Itokagata - Red (Red Earth)
A word from Peggy....

Hello friends, this being the last newsletter of 2010, I should share some bit of incredible wisdom... “Should” being the imperative word. But the only bits of wisdom I can think of right now are:
Two things
#1 have fun, enjoy this moment
#2 if not having fun at this moment, then hold on, the next one may be better

I have been in some pain for the past two weeks, so having fun has not been a real option,
however, I am hopeful and also thankful, because things could always be worse.
We have big plans for 2011, so stay close to our Facebook, My Space and Website for updates.
Hope to see many of you this New Years Eve in Rogers AR for our last concert of 2010. If you haven’t got your tickets yet, you can get them here: TICKETS
We will be in Kansas City January 29th 2011 for a special appearance and musical performance at Stone Spirit Lodge. Call 816-561-7900 for tickets.
Blessings and hope for a wonderful New Year…you are all so special and important to us!

WEST - Wiyohpeyata - Black or Blue (We are STILL Here!)
Peace on Earth....
I dream of peace on this earth between all peoples, all cultures, all races, all nations, all religions.... There are two things that prevent peace, and only two. They are hate, and arrogance. Which means the weapons we must use to bring about peace on earth are love and humility. When we hate, we divide and destroy. When we love, we connect and heal. When we are arrogant, we oppress and take from others for our own gain, and we hunger for power. When we are humble, we put the needs of others before our own, and we thirst for wisdom. For far too long, hate and arrogance have run amok in this world. “I’m right and you’re wrong, and if you don’t see it or do it my way I will force you to, or kill you trying.” Really?? Thousands of years and humanity is still stuck name calling in the sandbox? “I know you are but what am I?”?! It amazes me that we have not yet figured out that everybody simply cannot be completely right all of the time. Sometimes we are wrong, even when we think we are right. But it takes humility to see and accept these truths. So, as we enter 2011, let us all pray that our human family somehow, some way, some day, will choose love and humility over hate and arrogance, and that one day the dream of peace on earth, will become more than a dream....

NORTH - Waziyata - White (Words of Wisdom)
Some tidbits from my daydreams....

Whether the grass is greener over there or not, is a matter of perspective....

The moon will always appear to be over my head, and not yours....

No two people will ever share the exact same view of anything....

The Pine tree has never expected the Oak tree to become a Pine....

May Wakantanka encircle you and yours with faith to believe, hope for the future, and love for all....

As always, in the spirit of mending the sacred hoop of the nations of the world
Your Oglala Lakota friend and brother,
John Two-Hawks
Reprinting of this Circle of Nations newsletter is encouraged! All I ask is that it be printed in its entirety, with no changes, and that I be given proper credit, unless I have otherwise okayed it. Wopila (great thanks)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
